We know a thing or two about optimizing the learning process.
That’s why we’ve put together top quality study material, onboard an intuitive platform.

We got courses, books, and videos. However, there is no shortage of online courses; so what makes ours different? Well, to begin with, here are just a few reasons:
- Re-designed methodological and pedagogical processes and course structure.
- Taught by industry practitioners and experts with years of experience.
- Multilingual courses; available in English, Russian, and Qazaq.
- Simplified pricing – pay as you go, or pay per course — no hidden fee.
- Python, C#, Web dev, gaming, management — you name it, we got it!
Plus, we’ve taken time to build our platform with the learners in mind — not the other way round. Loaded with video blocks, quizzes, progress trackers, and a lot more, here is what our LMS has to offer:
- Intuitive approach to video playback, with smart-sensors.
- Customizable quizzes, focused on tracking learner progress.
- AI-powered learning engine (developed in-house), with hotspots, heatmaps, and more.
- Interactive images and flip cards to boost comprehension.
- Integrated native book reader for online book access.
- Seamless integration with all platforms — no hindrances to learning.